Having seen forests devoid of growing grasses, or the earth without grown up crop, and dried up wells, tanks, rivers, lakes, and ponds, it is proved by it (viz. inference) that there was in the past) bad rain.
This is (the inference by) comprehension of (the object of) the past time.
456. Then what is the inference by) comprehension of the object of) the present time? (The inference by) comprehension of the object of) the present time is (illustrated as follows): .
Having seen a monk, who went out for begging alms, not getting alms, it is proved by it (viz. inference) that there is (at present) famine.
This is (the inference by) comprehension of (the object of) the present time.
457. Then what is (the inference by) comprehension of (the object of the future time? (The inference by) comprehension of the object of the future time is (illustrated in the following verse):
The directions are smoking, the evening is viti (?), the earth is 'not filled up' (that is, empty), the wind is indeed (coming from) the south-west quarter. These indeed prognosticate (niveyamti) bad rain //
Having seen the constellation of Aggeya (litreally, concerning fire) or Vayavva (literally, concerning wind) or other inauspicious omen, it is proved by it (viz. inference) that there would be in the future) bad rain.
This is (the inference by) comprehension of (the object of) the future time.
This is the inference by a known common characteristic which was) known in particular. This is (inference by) a known common characteristic. This is the inferential knowledge.
The analogical
558. Then what is the analogical knowledge ? knowledge is stated to be twofold, viz.
1. Vide footnote 2 on p. 177 of the MJV edition. 2. Sanjhāviti---the word appears to refer to a particular condition of the evening
(cf. sanjha in verse 118 of sulta No. 453). 3. Vide supra, sutta No. 450.
Vide supra, sutta No. 448. 5. Vide supra, sutta No. 440. 6. Vide supra, sutta No. 436.