[ SUTTAS 368
368. Then what is the number of time-instants indicated by standard) through similes ? (The number indicated by standard) through similes is stated to be twofold, viz.
(i) (number indicated by standard) through the simile
of a store (of corns, paliovama); (ii) (number indicated by standard) through the simile
of ocean (sågarovama).
369. Then what is the number indicated by standard) through the simile of a store ? (The number indicated by standard) through the simile of a store is stated to be threefold, viz.
(A) (number indicated by standard) through the simile
of emptying a store uddha rapaliovama, the number being equal to the number of the time-instants required for emptying the store, taking out each content at one time-instant);
(B) (number indicated by standard) through the simile
of time-instants required for emptying a store (addhapa. liovama, the number being equal to the number of the time-instants required for emptying the store, taking out each content after an interval of one
hundred years); and (C) (number indicated by standard) through the
simile of emptying the space-points of a store (khettapaliovama, the number being equal to the number of time-instants required for emptying the store of all its space-points, taking out each space-point at every
time-instant). 370. Then what is (the number indicated by standard) through the simile of emptying a store ? (The number indicated by standard through the simile of emptying a store is stated to be twofold, viz.
(1) conceptual (that is, a store containing fine material which is
conceptual); and (2) practical (that is, a store containing gross material).
371. Of them, what is conceptual is to be postponed (for consideration later on in sutta No. 374.
372. Of them, what is practical is (as follows):
(Suppose) there is a particular (circular) store (of corns), which is (by ussehamgula) one joyaņa in length and breadth, and one joyana upward in height. As regards its surrounding wall (pariraa, that is,