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(2) the body which is created afterwards to serve some
purpose. Of them, the (normal) body which is... maintained till the end of life is equal to) an innumerablth part of an amgula in the minimum and fifteen dhanūs, two and a half rayanis in the maximum. Of them, the body which is created afterwards to serve some purpose is (equal to) a numerablth part of an amgula in the minimum and thirty-one dhants and one rayani in the maximum.
347 [4]. How big, O Lord, is the bodily occupation of hell-beings in the land of the Valuyapabha ? It is, Goyama, stated to be twofold, viz.
(1) the (normal) body which is got at the time of birth and
maintained till the end of life, and (2) the body which is created afterwards to serve some
purpose. Of them, the (normal) body which is... maintained till the end of life is (equal to) an innumerablth part of an amgula in the minimum and thirty-one dhanūs and one rayanż in the maximum. Of them, the body which is created afterwards to serve some purpose is equal to) a numerablth part of an amgula in the minimum and sixty-two dhanūs and two rayanis in the maximum.
347 5]. Similarly, the question about all types of land is to be asked.
In respect of the land of the Pamkappabha, the (normal) body which is...maintained till the end of life is (equal to an innumerablth part of an amgula in the minimum and sixty-two dhanūs and two rayanis in the maximum; the body which is created afterwards to serve some purpose is (equal to) a numerablth part of an amgula in the minimum and one hundred and twentyfive dhanus in the maximum.
In respect of the land of the Dhumappabha, the (normal) body which is...maintained till the end of life is (equal to) an innumerablth part of an amgula in the minimum and one hundred and twenty-five dhanūs in the maximum; the body which is created afterwards to serve some purpo e is (equal to) a numerablth part of an amgula in the minimum and two hundred and fifty dhanūs in the maximum.
In respect of the land of) Tama, the (normal) body which is... maintained till the end of life is (equal to an innumerablth part of an amgula in the minimum and two hundred and fifty dhanüs in the maxtmum; the body which is created afterwards to serve some purpose is (equal to a numerablth part of an amgula in the minimum and five hundred dhanūs in the maximum,