solasiyā (measurement of weight equal to one sixteenth part of māni) = 16 palas;
atthabhaiya (measurement of weight equal to one eighth part of mant)= 32 palas;
caubhāijā (measurement of weight equal to one fourth part of māṇī) = 64 palas;
addhamant (measurement of weight equal to one half of mant) =128 palas; mānī (measurement of weight) = 256 palas;
two causatthiyās make one battisiya; two batti si yās make one solasiya; two solasiyās make one atthabhatiya; two atthabhāiâs (sic) make one caubhaiya; two caubhāiâs make one addhamāņi;
two addhamāṇīs make one mani. 321. What is the purpose of this standard of measurement of quantity of liquids ? (The reply is that) by means of this standard of measurement of quantity of liquids is obtained the knowledge of the determination of the standard of measurement of liquidweight of liquids kept in vāraga (a small pot), ghadaga (pot), karaga (water pot), kalasiya (pitcher), gaggari (water jar), daiya (leather water bag), karodi (skull or basin), and kumdia (pitcher made of gourd)'.
This is the standard of measurement of quantity of liquids. This is the measurement of quantity: 2
322. Then what is ummāna, that is, the standard of measurement of heavier weights ?3 The word ummana' (measure of heavier weights) stands for the thing so measured', (by) for instance, addhakarisa (half the weight of karisa = } pala,), karisa, addhapala, pala, addhatula, tula, addhabhāra, bhāra, two addhakarisas=one karisa, two karisas=one addhapala, two addhapalas = one pala, one hundred and five palas=one tula, ten tulās=addh abhāra, and twenty tulas=bhāra.
1. Vide footnote 14 of the MJV edition. 2. Vide supra, sutta No. 317.
Vide supra, sutta No. 316. utmana=unmāna (Pkt. ummāna). Here the minimum measure is 1/2 karisa which is equal to 40 gumjās or 8 kammamāsas. Vide infra, sutta No 380 where 16 kammamāsas are equated to 80 gumjas. Now, as 16 māsas is given as the equivalent of 1 karisa (vide Monier's Sanskrit-English Dictionary s.v. karşa), 1/2 karisa - 8 māsas (kammamāsas) – 40 gumjās,