(pramatta-virata). This slackness is got rid of at the seventh stage (apramatta). The passions are controlled and extraordinary spiritual powers are developed at the eighth (apūrvakarana). A special purity of the mind which allows no swerving is achieved at the ninth (anivrtti-karana). Very little of self-interest remains at the tenth (sūksma-sämparāya). All delusion subsides at the eleventh (upasānta-moha), and it ceases altogether at the twelfth (ksina-moha). At the thirteenth, he shines forth perfect in knowledge with all the disabling kārmic influences destroyed: he is a sayogikevalin, an arhat, or a tirthankara. At the fourteenth and last of the guna-sthānas, the mortal coils lose their hold; he is an ayogi-kevalin: and, lo, in a moment, he becomes a siddha, free from samsāra for all times ! .