STUDIES IN JAINISM so-called Jaina-Mahārastri and partly Sanskrit, (Winternitz, H. O. I. Lit. 475ff).
We should also note that corresponding to the Purānas of the Digambaras, the Śvetāmbaras have the Caritras, some of which describe the lives of individual Jinas, whilst others treat of the lives of all the 63 Salākapuruşas or "excellent man".
For general interest regarding comparative study of Buddha and the Jina special reference is to be made to.
E. Leumann, Buddha and Mahāvira, the two founders of Indian religions, Untersuchungen zur Geschichte des Buddhismus, Miinchen 0. J. (1921), See specially p. 27ff.
– Prof. Heramba Chatterjee Shastri