BRAHMANIC AND ŚRAMANIK CULTURES soul is the cause and the peace of the society is the effect, and so we must try first to attain inner peace or peace of the soul.
According to the Jaina view-point, inner peace or tranquillity is an essential nature of the self and it is also the ultimate goal of life. In an earlier Jaina text known as Ācāranga we have two definitions of religion, one as
anquillity and the other as non-violence. Lord Mahāvira says, 'Worthy people preached the religion as samai.' The Prākrt term 'samai' means tranquillity or peace of mind is considered as the core of religion, because it is the real nature of all living beings including human beings. In another Jaina text known as Bhagavati-sutra there is a conversation between Lord Mahāvīra and Gautama. Gautama asked Mahāvīra, 'What is the nature of soul ?' Mahavira answered,
The nature of the soul is tranquillity/peace.' Gautama again asked, 'What is the ultimate end of the soul?' And Mahāvīra replied, 'The ultimate and of the soul is also to attain tranquillity/peace.'
In Jainism, religion is nothing but a practice for the realization of one's own essential nature or sua-svabhāva which is nothing but the state of tranquillity.or peace of mind. This enjoying of one's own essential nature means to remain constant in sākṣibhāva, i.e. to remain undisturbed by external factors. It is the state of pure subjectivity which is technically known in Jainism as sāmayika. In this state the mind is completely free from constant flickering, excitement, and emotional disorder. To get freedom from mental tensions, which are the vibhāvas or impure states of mind, is the precondition for enjoying spiritual happiness which is also a positive aspect of inner peace. Nobody wants to live in a state of mental tension, everyone would like no tension but relaxation, no anxiety but contentment. This shows that our real nature is working in us for tranquillity or mental peace. Religion is nothing but a way of achieving this inner peace. According to Jainism, the duty of a religious order is to explain the means by which man can achieve this peace, inner as well as external. In Jainism this method of achieving .mental and environmental peace is called