animal nature within us is still dominating our individual and social behaviour. And due to this, our life is full of excitement, emotional disorder, and mental tension. Though we are outwardly pleading for peace, non-violence, and coexistence, at heart we still have strong faith in the law of jungle, i.e. the dictum 'might is right'. The race of nuclear weapons of the powerful nations is strong evidence of our belief in this. dictum. This race of nuclear weapons is a sign that we are proceeding towards a formidable funeral procession of mankind. Bertrand Russell, the eminent philosopher, implores us. I appeal as a human being to human beings, remember your humanity and forget the rest. If you can do so the way lies open to a new paradise. If you cannot, nothing lies before you, but universal death.' We must be aware of the fact that this growth of science, technology, and commerce would lose its meaning if man is to eternally doubt others and ignore the claims to humanity. Iqbal has also rightly said:
Tumhari tehzeebān āpne hāthon se khudākusk karegi ;
Jo sakhe nāzuk pe āśiyānā banegā nā
paye dara hoga.
O men! your civilization will commit suicide by your own hands, the nest built on a very weak twig will be without foundation.
Today the only way for man to survive is to develop a firm belief in the principles of non-violence and mutual cooperation. It is the misfortune of mankind that on the one hand it wants peace and prosperity but on the other hand it still has a belief in the dictum 'might is right', i.e. violence. Peace and violence are contradictory, since through violence we cannot achieve peace.
Peace achieved through violence and war is the peace of the cremation ground and not a living peace. In Ãcăranga, Mahavira said: atthi sattham parena param, nätthi asattham parena param. There are weapons superior to each other, but nothing is superior to asastra, i.e. non-violence. Peace