Nature of Karma
Mahavira & Doctrine of Karma / 69
Whenever a soul experiences this or that mental state at that very time it gets bound by a corresponding auspicious or inauspicious karma.
Soul is free while accumulating the karma but is helpless when karma ripens.
At the time of fruition the living beings are controlled by karma while at the time of action the karmas are controlled by the living beings.
One has to bear the sufferings all alone, because the karmas pursue the doer only.
Attachment bends the soul, detachment frees the soul. Just as fire quickly destroys an old, dry and hollow log of wood so also an aspirant practicing right conduct quickly destroys the accumulated karma.
Bondage is not due to material but it is due to attachment and aversion.
Those thoughts which purify the mind result in annihilation of karmas.
None can escape the effect of their own past karmas.
Karmic bondage will be less, medium or intense according to the degree of attachment of a person. Auspicious karmas bring beneficial results and evil karmas bring in harmful results.