60/ Lord Mahavira
8. Attachment and Aversion
Attachment and aversion are the root causes of bad karmas.
Karma is the root cause of birth and death.
Attachment and aversion are two evils which lead the soul to commit sinful acts.
The ascetic who always resists does not suffer from worldly sojourn.
Even the most offended and powerful enemy does not cause as much harm as uncontrolled attachment and aversion do.
If you desire to cross the terrible ocean of worldly existence, you quickly board the boat of self restraint. To attain liberation, one must block all passage of karmic influx through mind, speech and body.
One should give up sinful activities and practice self control.
Just as a little sourness curdles the milk so also attachment and aversion destroy the continence of an ascetic.
Karmic bondage is low, medium or intense in direct proportion to the degree of attachment.
Lord Mahavira says-"One who desires the welfare of his soul should renounce attachment and aversion."