Mahavira & Conquest of Passions / 55
Sheds all attachment as a great snake that sheds off its skin. The tree whose roots are arid will never flower, however much it is watered. If delusion is conquered the bad effects of karma will never surface. A little water will suffice to extinguish physical fire but the water of all the oceans will not be enough to extinguish the fire of desires and delusion. Once the army chief in killed, the entire army is vanquished. Once the delusion-producing karma are annihilated other karmas are destroyed. A person under the influence of delusion repeats the cycle of birth and death. Delusion results in individual and collective violence in thought, word and deed. Delusion is the deadliest enemy of man. A person attains emancipation only if he frees himself from the clutches of delusion. Lord Mahavira says-One who desires the welfare of himself should renounce delusion.