Mahavira & Self Concept / 41
Self- Restraint
Just as a tortoise draws its limbs into its own shell, a wise man should withdraw his senses from evil by spiritual exertion. Just as a person burdened by load experiences lightness when he unburdens the load, when a person reviews his wrong deeds and confesses them he experiences lightness. Just as a horse can be controlled by a bridle, the sensual pleasures and passions can be overcome by knowledge, meditation and power of penance. Continence is four-fold-mind, body, speech and possessions. A well controlled horse that gallops fast reaches his destination safely. The unprotected and unrestrained soul wanders aimlessly in the worldly sojourn. The careful and restrained soul is liberated from all miseries.
Just as when water becomes clearer, one is able to view the reflection with clarity, so when the self becomes inspired to know the reality one starts acquiring knowledge with greater consistency. When the inflow of karma through the channels of mind, speech and body is completely stopped, the soul realizes its distinctness from body. Firmly established in the self, I destroy all those modifications which are alien to me. It is only the pure who attain emancipation like fire fed with ghee.