32 / Lord Mahavira
Total Detachment
I am alone, pure, eternal, formless and full of knowledge and vision, other than this not even an atom of any object is mine.
A person who is contented and does not desire a share in other's profits sleeps happily.
That mendicant alone acquires the virtue of nonpossessiveness.
Who renouncing the sense of ownership and attachment and controlling his own thoughts remains unperturbed by the feeling of pleasure and pain.
Lack of restraint is on the rise. This is leading to all sorts of problems.
If man is unable to practice restraint, the problem of violence is bound to intensify.
Unless the problem of immorality is solved, the issue of environmental degradation cannot be resolved.
Progress that benefits each and every individual, cannot be conceived of in a society, where violence is prevalent in a large scale.
Self-analysis and introspection are the two qualities that enable a person to become a better person and follow the path of ahimsa.
Consumption is increasing in an unlimited manner, but resources are limited. This is leading to ecological disturbances.