158 / Lord Mahavira
The practice of austerity cleanses all sins. By observing austerity, one acquires the power to destroy the karmas and purify his soul. One should not practise austerities for this life or the here after. One should not practise austerities for praise, status, fame or name. One should practise austerities only to destroy karma. Persons who tread the path of knowledge, faith, conduct and austerity get higher existence. He who controls the senses and passions and concentrates on the self through meditation and scriptural study observes austerity definitely. Austerities of two kinds : 1. External, 2. Internal. External austerities are 1. Fasting, 2. Eating less than one's normal diet, 3. Seeking alms, 4. Abstention from tasty food, 5. Mortification of the body 6. Solitude. Internal austerities are six : 1. Expiation of sins. 2. Reverence, 3. Service, 4. Scriptural study, 5. Meditation 6. Renunciation. The importance of austerity is great but what is the importance of caste.