One-sensed worldly souls: all kinds of live earth, all kinds of water, fire, air and plants.
Worldly souls which exist one each in one plant body only: all kinds of fruits and vegetables.
Worldly souls which exist together with many others in a common plant body: all kinds of roots and bulbs. Two-sensed worldly souls
A conch-shell, a shell, a guineaworm, an earthworm, a woodworm, a coiled-worm and a cowrie. Three-sensed worldly souls
A bug, a white louse, a larva, a tick, a snail, a black louse, a big black ant, a white ant.
Four-sensed worldly souls
A butter-fly, a fly, a spider, a scorpion, a cockroach, a locust, a mosquito and a black bee.
Five-sensed worldly souls having mind
(a) Aquatic: A crocodile, a frog, a fish, a crab, an octaped, a seal fish, a tortoise, a whale
(b) Those that move on land: A gorilla, a monkey, a house-lizard, a mongoose, an iguana, an elephant, a python, a cow, a lion, a horse.
(c) Those that move in the sky birds, bats.
All kinds of worldly souls are covered by the four classes or groups, viz. a class of celestial living beings, that of human beings, that of animal beings and that of hellish beings.
Liberated souls do not have body but they do have the form of the body which they left at the time of their emancipation.
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