Table of bandha
sattā of nāma-k. 23, 25abc, 26, 29abc, 30ab 21a, 24a, 252, 26a 92, 88, 86ab, 80ab, 78ab
The undeveloped fine, one-sensed animals. These differ from the paryāptas only with regard to the activity and to udaya of nāma-k.
Activity : kārmaņa-, and audārik-miśra-kāya-yoga. Table of bandha
satta of năma-k. 23, 25abc, 26, 29abc, 30ab
21a, 24a
92, 88, 86ab, 80ab, 78ab The developed gross one-sensed animals. The body of these beings is gross and therefore visible. Whilst the sükşmas are equal to one another exteriorly, there exist here individual differences between the groups belonging to one species. The bādara-ekendriyas have earth, water, fire, wind or plants as bodies. Earth-beings are : dust, clay, sand, stones, metals, vermilion, orpiment, and so forth : water-beings : water, dew, snow, fog and so on; fire-beings: flames, coals, meteors, lightning, etc.; wind-beings: squalls, whirlwinds, etc.; plants are of two species : they have, either, together with others a common body, as garlic, onion etc., or each has its own body as trees, shrubs, etc. (JS. II 215 seq.).
All these beings have only one sense : touch, and belong to the 3rd sex. Cognition, leśyā, belief, conduct, gunasthāna as with the sükşma-paryāptas.
Activity: vaikriya-, and vaikriya-miśra-kaya-yoga with the windbeings; with the others audārika-käya-yoga.
Beings of this class do not bind : celestial and infernal state of existence, ānupūrvi, āyus ; transformation-body and limbs. The fireand wind-beings do not bind in addition human state of existence, anupūrvi, äyus, and high family surroundings. Table of bandha
sattā of năma-k. 23, 25abc, 26, 29abc, 30ab 21, 24ab, 25a, 26abc 92, 88, 86ab, 80ab, 78ab
92, 88, 86ab, 80ab The undeveloped gross one-sensed beings. This class of beings differs from the preceding one in a two-fold manner. Firstly: to the earth-, water- and plant-souls, besides the 3 first leśyās, belongs also the fiery one. This is caused by the fact that jīvas who belonged in their preceding existence to the celestial classes Bhavanapati, Vyantara, Jyotiska, Saudharma or Išāna, can be reborn as earth- and water-beings, or as plants. These have had, as gods, a fiery leśyā, (and) have, therefore, in the beginnings--according to the rule given above—also in this existence a fiery leśyā (Kg. I,
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