83. yaśaḥkirti-n-k grants honour and glory (counterpart No. 93).
(d) The 10 sthāvara-prakstis. 84. sthāvara-n-k causes that the body (of plants and elementary
beings) cannot be moved voluntarily (counterpart No. 74). 85. sūkṣma-n-k gives (to elementary beings) a subtle body,
imperceptible to our senses (counterpart No. 75). 86. aparyāpta-n-k causes that the organs or faculties of a being
do not attain full development, but remain undeveloped
(counterpart No. 76). 87. sādhārana-n-k gives (to plants etc.) a body in common
with others of their species (counterpart No. 77). 88. asthira-n-k causes that ears, brows, tongue, etc. are flexible
(counterpart No. 78). 89. aśubha-n-k causes that all parts of the body, below the navel
are considered to be ugly, so that somebody who is touched by the foot feels this to be unpleasant (counterpart No.
79). 90. durbhaga-n-k makes the jiva unsympathetic (counterpart
No. 80). 91. duḥsvara-n-k makes the voice ill-sounding (counterpart
No. 81). 92. anādeya-n-k makes the jiva unsuggestive (counterpart No.
82). 93. ayaśaḥkirti-n-k causes dishonour and shamc (counterpart No. 83).
VII. GOTRA-KARMAN. The gotra-k destines the rank occupied by a person through his birth. That is to say :
1. uccair-gotra-k bestows high family surroundings. 2. nicair-gotra-k bestows low family surroundings.
VIII. ANTARĀYA-KARMAN. The antarāya-k hinders the energy (virya) of the jiva in a fivefold manner :
1. dāna-antarāya-k hinders dispensing alms. When it operates
a person who knows the merit in giving and who has something to give away, is not capable to give it, although there is someone worthy of the gift.
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