38. vāmana-samsthāna-n-k dwarf-like, i.e. breast and belly sym
metrical, hands, feet etc. unsymmetrical. 39. hunda-samsthāna-n-k makes the entire body unsymmetri
The conception of symmetry is explained in the following way : One imagines a man sitting in the paryaňka-posture, i.e. crossing the legs and placing the hands over the navel. If one imagines that the two knees are joined by a line, and from the right shoulder to the left knee, and from the left shoulder to the right knee, and from the forehead to the hands, a straight line is drawn, one gets four lines. If these are equal to one another, symmetry is apparent ; if they are not so, one of the other 5 samsthānas results.
Gods have only the first, infernal beings and jīvas who have been produced through coagulation only the 6th figure ; in the case of animals and men (also of kevalins) all 6 samsthānas are to be found. 5 Colours. 40. krsna-varna-n-k gives a colour which is black, like a rāja
patta-diamond. 41. nila-varņa-n-k gives a colour which is dark, blue-green, like
an emerald. lohita-varna-n-k gives a colour which is red, like vermillion. hāridra-varna-n-k gives a colour which is yellow, like tur
meric. 44. sita-varņa-n-k gives a colour which is white, like a shell.
Other colours, such as brown etc., are produced by mixing. Black and green are considered as being pleasant (?), the others as unpleasant colours. 2 Odours. 45. surabhi-gandha-n-k produces pleasant odours (e.g., that of
camphor). 46. durabhi-gandha-n-k produces unpleasant odours (e.g., that
of garlic).
5 Tastes. 47. tikta-rasa-n-k gives a bitter taste (like that of the nimba
fruit). 48. katu-yasa-n-k gives a biting taste (like that of ginger).
1 "syāj janghayor adhobhāge pādo pari kỉte sati paryanko nābhigottānadaksinottarapānikah.”
Hemacandra, Yogaśāstra IV, 124 (126).
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