activity of it, mixed with that of the physical body ; samghātana,
audayika (udaya] -bhāva the state
of the soul conditional upon the
unhindered realisation of k. audārika (orāliya) -śarīra the physi
cal body, k.; angopanga limbs of it, k; okāya-yoga activity of it ; bandhana ; omiśra-kāya-yoga activity of it mixed with that of the k.
body; osamghātana k. aupapātika (ovaväiya] beings originating through manifestation i.e.
celestial and infernal beings. aupaśamika (ovasamiya] -bhāva
state of the soul produced by the suppression; samyaktva belief of
uccair (ucca) gotra, high family sur
roundings, k. ucchvása (úsāsa) breathing, k. uttara [ts] -prakstis. utsarpini [ussappiņi] ascending pe
riod of time. udaya (ts) realisation of k. udiraņā [ts] premature realisation of
k. uddyota [ujjoya] cold lustre, k. udvartanà [uvvattanā] increased
realisation of k. upakrama [uvakkama] cause of
death. upaghāta [uvaghāya self-annihil
ation, k. upapāta (uvavāya] manifestation. upabhoga (uvabhoga] -antarāya the
k. hindering the enjoyment of a
thing which can be repeatedly used. upayoga [uvaöga) cognition. upaśama(ka)-śreņi (uvasama(ga).
sedhi]. upaśānta (uvasanta) moha, guna-
sthāna. uşna (unha] -sparśa hot touch, k.
kațu [kadu] -rasa biting taste, k. karana [ts] (1) process ; (2) organ. karman [kamma) ; obhümi a country where nirvāṇa can be reached.
(Tattv. III, 16). kalpa [kappal (1) precept; (2)
abode of gods. kaṣāya (td](1) passion, k; (2) orasa
astringent taste, k. kāpota (kāū] -leśyā grey colour of
the soul. kāya (ts)-yoga activity of the body. kārmana [kammana) -śarīra karman body k.; kāya-yoga activity of it ;
bandhana k.; samghātana k. kāla (ts) time. kilikā (kiliya) -samhanana 5th firm
ness of the joints, k. kuccha = jugupsā. kubja [khujja] -samsthāna hunch
backed, 4th figure, k.
rşabha-närāca (risaha-Nārāya] -sam-
hanana 2nd firmness of the joints,
ekendriya (igindi) one-sensed ; ojāti,
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