bandha : joking, liking, fear, disgust. udaya and udiraņā : joking, liking, disliking, sorrow, fear, disgust.
9. anivịtti-bādara-samparūya-gunasthāna. In this gunasthāna the one who is on the upaśama or kşapakaśreni performs the anivrtti-karana. The former remains here in the minimum 1 samaya, in the maximum antarmuhürta ; the latter antarmuhurta.
cognition : mati-, śruta-, avadhi-, manaḥparyāya-jñāna ;
cakşur-, acakṣur-, avadhi-darśana. activity : 9 yogas, viz. 4 mano-, 4 väg-, as well as andārika
hãya-yoga. leśyā : white. belief : aupāśamika, kṣāyika sam yaktva. conduct : sāmāyika, chedopasthāpana. causes of bondage : 16, i.e. the 22 of the preceding guna
sthāna without joking, liking, disliking, sorrow, fear, dis
gust. bandha : 5 parts exist here. In the first, 22 prakytis are
bound, i.e. the 26 of the preceding gunasthāna without the 4 separated at its termination. In the 2nd part the bandha of the male sex, in the 3rd that of the flaming-up anger, in the 4th that of flaming-up pride, in 5th that of flaming-up deceitfulness fall away, so that therefore in the last part
of this gunasthāna 18 prakặtis only can be bound. udaya : 66 prakstis, i.e. the 72 of the preceding gunasthāna
without the 6 separated there. udīraņā : 63 prakrtis, i.e. the 69 of the preceding gunasthāna
without the 6 separated there. sattā : On the upaśama-śreni 148. On the kşapaka-śreni
9 parts are to be distinguished here. In the 1st part the 138 prakrtis of the preceding gunasthāna exist. In the 2nd part 122, because the 3 worst kinds of unconsciousness, animal- and infernal state and anupūrvi, 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-sensed class of beings, immovable, fine, common body, warm splendour, cold lustre are annihilated. In the 3rd part are 114, because the 4 apratyākhyānāvarana-, and the 4 pratyākhyānāvarana-kaṣāyas fall away. In the following parts there are successively annihilated : third sex, female sex, then simultaneously joking, liking, disliking, sorrow, fear, disgust, then male sex, flaming-up anger, flaming-up
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