Perception of Body
body depends upon a balanced equilibrium between the two components-sympathetic and parasympathetic-of the autonomous nervous system. This system controls all the automatic functions of the body, such as rate of respiration, digestion, heart-rate, blood-pressure, blood-sugar
In other words all the internal processes are controlled by it. Now, as soon as our conscious attention is concentrated on a particular organ or a part of the body as in the perception of body exercise, our will establishes its control over the automatic functions and our conscious mind becomes their regulator. For instance, the rate of breathing is regulated normally by the respiratory centre situated in the medulla oblongata, but in perception of breathing, the control is transferred to the conscious mind as soon as it becomes aware of the function. Similarly the vagus nerve which regulates the heart-rate can be brought under the control of the conscious mind by perception of heart. In the beginning, of course, the concentration is not satisfactory and full control may not be established, but continued practice to concentrate full attention on various parts and organs of the body enhances the efficiency and depth of perception. And, in due course, our conscious mind will be able to dominate such automatic body functions, as maintaining constant body temperature or regulation of the digestive processes. This is perhaps the only technique for coordinating and integrating the functions of the subconscious and the conscious minds, for relieving tension and producing homeostasis.
Physical illness (vyadhi) is produced by mental tension (adhi) which in turn is produced by frequent emotional stresses (upādhi). The question arises: Is the perception of body an efficient cure for somatic diseases? The answer is: Yes, it is. But the process of curing is rather roundabout and not direct. While a doctor treats the symptoms of physical disease, śarīra prekṣā, on the other hand, goes to the root of all troubles and cures the emotional malady (upadhi). The remedy for emotional upset cures the mental illness (kaṣāya) and this, in turn, cures the physical disease (vyädhi).
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