Perception of Body :
A significant benefit derived by the perception of body (śarīra-prekşā) is the balanced flow of vital energy in the body.
Perception of body is not only a spiritual exercise but physical as well as mental one also. It is a valuable therapy for maintaining good health. The practitioner of this 'echnique not only has a spiritual experience but undergoes a therapeutic treatment. He provides remedy for his maladies. Evenness of Vitality
Why does one fall ill ? An allopathic doctor would say that disease-producing germs are the main cause of illness. When the resistance to these microbes is at a low level, one becomes ill. A practitioner of Ayurvedic system, on the other hand, would declare that imbalance in the trinity vāta, pitta and kapha-is the primary cause of sickness. A sådhaka would be reluctant to accept either of the above statements. He will aver that imbalance in the vital energy-prāna—is the fundamental cause of all diseases. If the vital energy is balanced and its flow is unimpeded, there will be no sickness. One becomes a victim of illness only when one does not maintain the vital equilibrium. If the flow of vital energy to some organ is impeded, the equilibrium is disturbed. The flow of vital energy must be perfectly even in all parts of the organism. The flow of electrical impulses in the body should be well regulated. If the regulation is weakened, diseases get an upper hand. If there is pain, the body is unwilling to work. If some vital organ fails to function properly, there would be aches and
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