ence of spiritual self was either derived or believed to be so but never actually experienced.
Let us try to understand the process which brought out this experience. As soon as the skeletal muscles were relaxed, the current flowing in the connecting nerves came to almost zero. The entire motor mechanism became passive and reposed. Very soon its counterpart--the sensory mechanism followed suit. Thus while the spiritual self was quite wakeful and alert, the physical self was gradually becoming bereft of consciousness giving a realistic experience of the separateness of the non-material spiritual self from its material counterpart. The experience is characterized by an actual feeling of floating outside one's body. This is self-awareness leading to selfrealisation. Perception of Aura
Everything-living and non-living- is surrounded by its aura, the envelop of its electro-magnetic radiation. This is normally invisible to naked eyes. The aura of a living being is interaction of material and psychic radiations. In the profound state of relaxation, the aura becomes perceptible. This perception is partly sensory and partly extra-sensory.
When the motionless state is perfect, the ingress from external environment is minimal. In this state, the consciousness transcends the physical body and becomes aware of the activities of the subtle inner body. The awareness of the subtle body affects attitudinal change. Development of Wisdom
Wisdom constitutes discernment of material from nonmaterial, body from soul, and the physical self from the spiritual self.
Discernment is not mental nor imaginary but real. The process can be illustrated by : (a) Separation, by churning, of cream or butter from
whey :-This is cream and this is whey. (b) Seperation, by crushing, of oil from oil cake :-Here
is oil and there lies the oil cake.
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