Rate of metabolism slows down and the need for oxygen is drastically reduced.
*Control is established on the involuntary or smooth internal muscles. The level of excitation of these muscles is reduced and they are less tense. * Operational efficiency increases.
There is an increase in the capacity for bearing environmental changes such as heat, cold etc. Alertnes sharpens the intellect. Concentration is easily achieved.
In the third stage, self-awareness increases and the physical body remains in the background. The subtle body is clearly identified and sometimes can be separated from the gross body. Perception is more acute and is considerably more than the normal five senses.
In the fourth and final stage, the separateness of the body and spiritual self is complete. Self-awareness is constant and without hindrance.
Relief from Tension
The most obvious and measurable benefit accruing from relaxation is elimination of tension. Anybody who practises regular relaxation will get rid of his tensions in a short time and would remain relaxed, calm and unperturbed in any situation. It not only relieves tensions but revitalizes the organism. Gone is the heaviness and congestion, and the practitioner feels that he is floating above the ground. The feeling of lightness of the body is not so important. More significant is the relief from mental load and heaviness. Regular practitioner never suffers from mental disorders. Freedom from Turmoil
Our body is constantly agitated and in turmoil. Electric impulses keep the muscles magnetized and contracted. There is no rest. Relaxation starts when there is suspension of all movements. The whole body is inert and static.
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