existence and strive for his freedom and emancipation. It is clear from the above that turmoil produced by the karmašartra is not only a plan of defence for survival but also a very potent weapon of attack. If one desires to defeat the enemy and win the war, it is obvious that the turmoil of motion is to be stopped. And Kāyotsarg is the right strategy in this direction.
When all bodily movements are stopped, the shockwaves boomerang on the enemy and shock it. The calm of motionlessness is a direct hit and it trembles for the first time. A serious breach has ben created in its fortifications. The practioner's motionlessnes and subsequent self-awareness explodes the conceit of the enemy and it trembles. Its lines of assault fall in large numbers. Its armament becomes useless and the defeat commences.
Can one doubt about one's own being? Can one be uncertain regarding the independent and eternal existence of the spiritual self? The doubts are because there is agitation and turmoil. All the IFs and BUTs and arguments arise out of turmoil. In the darkness of sophistries and behind the smokescreen of agruments, the question of self-awareness gets side-tracked and grave doubts about one's own being arise.
If the arguments and sophistries did not raise their heads and if the agitation and turmoil which spur all these did not exist, there would nerver be any doubt or uncertainty about the separate and independent existence of the spiritual
Sophistry conceals the reality and hides the truth. When sophism overwhelms man's mind, truth deserts the mind and becomes unrealisable. And the root-cause of all this is the agitated state (of the physical body) spurred by karma-šarira. The primary purpose of the turmoil is to sustain falsehood, superstition and ignorance and keep man away from wisdom.
Another result of turmoil is to prevent man from becoming aware of his misery. Misery is there but he is not aware
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