a car a beautiful car appeared in his head as a picture. When he thought of a beautiful skyscraper, a picture of it appeared in his head.
Dispersion of rays
As a person thinks, his thoughts are turned into pictures by the mind. The picture is an exact translation of the thought. As soon as the second picture comes in, the first one vanishes from the head and moves to the atmosphere. This keeps happening. The picture that goes into the atmosphere may remain there for a million or billion years. So then why are we surprised to think we may be able to see Mahavir giving us his teachings? Why should it surprise us to think we may be able to see the person of Mahavir, Rishabha or Buddha. There is one guiding principle: everything has rays. Rays are emitted from every object. This is a significant principle. Whether the object is a sentient one or an insentient one, man or animal, pitcher or house, all objects constantly emit rays and then scatter into the atmosphere. If this were not possible then the television would not be working. It would not be able to catch any picture on its screen. It is able to
Anekanta: The Third Eye
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