lot of similarity between the two. More similarities and fewer differences. The one who looks at the gross fact modes forgets the similarities and clings to the differences. That is why there are arguments, diverse traditions and conflicts. They take place on the basis of the gross modes of the object. In the outer world, similarities are few and difference many, while in the inner world differences are few and similarities more. Through meditation we want to develop our inner world so that our visions become so wise and blemishless that we are able to see the commonalities beneath the differences.
Kabir's son Kamaal went to the forest to cut grass. He did not come home till late evening. Kabir got worried. The father reached the forest searching for his son. He saw Kamaal standing immobile like a stupid fellow. He was looking at the grass but not cutting it. Kabir scolded him. “What are you doing? Can you not see that the sun has set? You have not cut any grass?" Answered Kamaal, "How do I cut? Do I cut myself? Just as my breath keeps life within me, there is a breath running within these blades of grass too. Now how do I cut? Whom do I cut?" Now Kamaal became incapable of cutting grass.
Jain Education International
Acharya Mahaprajna
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