leg hurts, press the backbone and the pain will disappear. Press the big toe and headache will disappear. There is a method of applying pressure and that has to be learnt.
Dualism and non-dualism
There is mutual connection between everything. Nothing is totally independent. Though from the outside things may look separate, from inside they are all inter-connected. We do not know the unity underlying the diversity. Similarly we do not know the multiplicity that lies beneath unity. Our perceptions are divided. Therefore it is that even in philosophy if non-dualism developed so did dualism along with it. One contention was that everything is one, there is nothing different from that one, complete monoism. Even monoism is of two kinds. One is the argument of the Caravakas and one of the Vedantics. One feels there is the insentient only and not the sentient. From the insentient, the sentient develops. An atheist believes that the sentient is not real. The root principle is that of the insentient. Only atoms, only matter. From that the sentient is born. The composition of the insentient is such that from
Acharya Mahaprajna
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