its properties of smell, colour and touch are there. One particle of sand is infinitely sweeter than one particle of sugar.
We are engaged in meditation only with the acceptance of possibilities. Within us there is infinite consciousness, infinite knowledge. There is enlightenment (kevallya) within us. We have infinite strength within us, infinite bliss. Acknowledging the possibility of manifesting all this, we perform our special meditation. If these possibilities did not exist then who would spend so much time on them? Who would withstand such trouble and, in spite of being a sensory being, give up all the pleasures of the senses? If we sit huddled away from the world spending five to six hours in meditation and kayotsarg, it is only because we know these possibilities. They are known. It is also known that from the above means they can become manifest.
Illness is a condition2. It manifests and man becomes ill. To be healthy or ill is a condition. It is within us. Its possibilities are there. With its manifestation, disease disappears. We have infinite possibilities of good health within us. With their expression, disease disappears.
Jain Education International
Acharya Mahaprajna
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