the arrogance of seeking complete truth on the basis of the manifested alone.
Man lives by what he sees and he frames his thoughts on the basis of whatever is expressed within the limits of the perceptions of the present. The self gets attached and he says this is mine. How did you accept that this is yours? Is it the truth? How can it be said that a certain thing is mine? That, which I declare as mine, is my enemy. That which I do not think of as mine is my friend. That which I think is mine has an enemy hidden within it and that which I think is not mine has a friend hidden within it. I am not able to see either of them.
Perverted vision
Man has made two categories: one is a category of friends and loved ones and the second category is of others, outsiders, enemies. From time immemorial man is being fooled. And he gets fooled more by his own people than by those he considers as not his own. Man continues to rely on the gross manifested world reposing no faith in subtle perceptions. The one who is good in the present is termed a friend and the one who is not good is termed an enemy.
Jain Education International
Anekanta: The Third Eye
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