take place has taken place. All discoveries have been made. No new discoveries can be made. All doors to discovery are closed.”
Such a notion evolved because the priest thought that truth was searched out only in the past and that it had been completely found and no new search was thus possible. Religion accepted this as the only truth and clung to it and so the religious world saw no further development.
You will find it surprising to hear that the same priest's sons discovered the aircraft fifty years later and flew in the sky.
Transformation is an eternal rule. All the truth that has been uncovered is but a drop in the ocean. The ocean of truth is full. With one single drop we have assumed that we have comprehended all truth; that our search has ended; that the doors have been closed. But who opened them to close them?
The desire for search is infinite
The Jains say that today the door to moksha or liberation is closed. Jambuswami closed the doors to liberation. Whether he did so or not, we definitely have done so. Who locked and who unlocked? Who
Anekanta: The Third Eye
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