or institutions where meditation and yoga are being taught, L.S.D. is also being used extensively. This is because after using it just once, man begins to have hallucinations and go through varied kinds of experiences. He thinks he has actually been transported to heaven and other such new worlds. Then he begins to think L.S.D. is a gift of god. L.S.D. contains seratonin. Our brain too has seratonin. It affects our brain in great measure. It distorts our very outlook. It becomes a false outlook. Seratonin influences the entire conduct, which becomes full of distortions.
The effort of meditation is to change these secretions. When we contemplate on the center of peace (shaktikendra), the center of enlightenment (jyotikendra) and the center of intuition (darshankendra), our hypothalamus is influenced. This in turn influences the pineal and the pituitary glands. When these psychic centers are influenced, the secretions change.
In the method of Preksha Dhyan, the meditation on the psychic centers is very significant. It is significant because without this a man cannot be transformed. We may meditate on the breath or on
Acharya Mahaprajna
Jain Education International
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