should exercise restraint on the upper part of the body. By just concentrating on the lower part of the body, passions are not reduced.
It is now easy to understand how Shiv put an end to Kama with his third eye. The one who is able to, with the help of meditation, refine the working of the agya chakra, refine the center of intuition and the working of the pituitary and the pineal glands, conquers sexual passions. When these work well the secretions undergo a change. With meditation, concentration, a pure conscious mind and resolve, the secretions are restrained. It does not go to the lower parts of the body. If the secretions do not go downwards then automatically sexual passions are put out. This idea of the burning of Kama or of the third eye cannot be understood without anekanta.
The anekanta of meditational practice
Circumstances are not everything. To put all the blame on it is not fair. Circumstances can be changed and they will change, but what happens to the emotional system within? How can that be changed?
Bhagvan Mahavir was asked, "Noble teacher! Some people say one cannot meditate in the village.
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Acharya Mahaprajna
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