Preksha Dhyana:
and female sex-organs- the gonads-produce the seeds of the new generation. The main gonads of the female are the ovaries and in the male they are the testes. Their principal function is to produce the germ-cells (ova and sperm) that can fuse with the germ-cells of the opposite sex to produce a new life. Elaborate system of ducts and glands, for the conveyance of the germ-cells towards the exterior, has been evolved. These systems constitute accessories.
The gonads also double as potent endocrine glands, secreting hormones that condition the functional state and influence the psycho-biological phenomena involved in the sexual act. Thus besides producing the ovum, ovaries also produce endocrine substances that vitalize a woman and make her feminine.
The testes have semen as their external secretion which carries the sperm and which is stored at the prostate gland. Its internal secretions are the male energising forces and what makes him really male. They are the male endocrines. These hormones have profound influences not only on the sexual lives but also a number of body-organs and functions of an individual.
The Ovaries;
The ovary is one of the paired organs situated in the pelvis. It is 3-4 cms. long 2-2.5 cms. wide and weighs 6-7 gms.
Secretions of a woman's sex-hormones are in a large measure responsible for the characteristics that distinguish her from a man. These are secreted mainly by the ovaries which are two small glands of the size of a bean which lie inside the pelvis supported by ligaments. They are touched by the fronded ends of the fallopian tubes-the ducts for the passage of ova to uterus.
The major hormones produced by the ovaries are estrogens and progesterone. At or about the age of 10, the biological clock (pineal gland) in the girl's body seems to set off an alarm that wakes up a specific portion of the hypothalamus. Releasing factor is despatched to the anterior pituitary and the secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) begins. Now the dormant endocrine
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