last come down to the last foundation stone from which we can build any thing : a table, a human being, or a universe? OR (3) must we go on looking at smaller and smaller pieces, and going deeper and deeper into a bottomless pit?
To answer these questions very elaborate and expensive experiments were performed in America as a result of which the number of new particles emerging from nucleus has increased fantastically. By 1962 their number had been counted up to about 100. Some of their names are neutrons, protons, pions, positive electrons, negative electrons, muons, neutrinos and their anti-particles such as anti-protons and so on. Millions of photographs were taken and even those particles were recorded who lived for as small a period as one ten-billionth of a second (एक सैकिंड का दस अरबवाँ भाग) and then died but the quark remained undiscovered."7
We congratulate the scientists on their hard perseverance and unceasing labour.
DRAVYĀŅI (2) According to Svetāmbaras, this sutra has been combined with the following sutra and we have :
द्रव्याणि जीवाश्च।
(dravyāņi jīvāśca) which means that dharma, adharma, ākāśa, pudgala and all jīvas, these are the five darvyas and not kāla (time). According to Digambaras, the sutra means :
ETH-37ET f-3772TAT-TFCT: Jan 11 i.e., dharma, adharma, akāśa and pudgala are the dravyas.
117. Experiments performed in high energy Physics at Standford Laboratory U.S.A. have proved that three quarks make up the proton and the neutron (S.R., Dec., 1971).