The fifth epoch in this declining cycle is of 21,000 years. In this epoch the height, the age and the physical strength of man are very much reduced. The maximum span of life is 120 years and is gradually reduced at the rate of 5 years after every one thousand years. By the time the epoch ends, the maximum age is 20 years and the height 3 feet. At this time men become carnivorous and live upon trees like monkeys. They do not observe any kind of religion. All virtues are lost in them. We are at present living in the fifth epoch.
During the sixth again epoch of 21,000 years, things worsen still further. During the last 49 days of this epoch, there is rain of dust for first seven days, violent storms for next seven days, heavy rains during the third week and rain of fire during the fourth week. During the next three weeks, there is rain of stones, earth colds and wood respectively. The result is that all living beings, animals and birds are destroyed. In fact the whole cities are razed to the ground. The Jaina Tirthankaras have called this period as Pralaya. Only the sexual beings are removed to places of safety by the Devas. Here the cycle of Decline ends.
After this, the cycle is repeated in the reverse order and after undergoing six similar stages of time status quo is restored.
In conclusion we repeat below the main points of difference between the three systems of thought.
1. According to Hindus the whole earth is submerged under water 15 times during one kalpa, whereas according to Jainas it is only once at the end of fourth epoch and that too partially
2. According to Hindus in Maha Pralaya all matter, space and Time are engulfed into the Supreme Being and then it is He who unfolds the universe again whereas according to Jains the nature of the universe itself is such that after it has completely run down it regenerates itself by carrying out the cycle in the reverse order.
3. Scientists believe in the eternity 37 of the universe but they invoke the aid of some unknown force to rewind the universe when it has completely run down.
370. According to Scientists our Universe is expanding. But they say that the rate of expansion is now slowing down and some day it will completely stop. Then the Universe will begin to contract and when the concentration of matter becomes enormously high it will explode and begin to expand again. This alternate cycle of expansion and contraction will go on for ever.