SUTRA 8. असंख्येयाः प्रदेशा धर्माधर्मैकजीवानाम् ।।८।। ASANKHYEYĀN PRADEŠĀ DHARMĀ
(धर्म-अधर्म-एकजीवानामसंख्येयाः प्रदेशा भवन्ति।) In Svetāmbara text this sutra has been broken into two :
असंख्येयाः प्रदेशा धर्माधर्मयोः ॥७॥
जीवस्य च ।।८।। Also in a Svetambara work we have :
चत्तारि पएसग्गेणं तल्ला पण्णता, तं जहा
धम्मत्थिकाए, अधम्मत्थिकाए, लोगागासे, एगजीवे ।। 182 (Tr. --There are countless pradeśas 183, space-points in dharma, adharma and a single soul.) The same idea is expressed in Tattvärtha-sära :
एकस्य जीवद्रव्यस्य धर्माधर्मास्तिकाययोः ।
असंख्येयप्रदेशत्वमेतेषां कथितं पृथक् ।। 184 Or in Nivamasāra :
धम्माधम्मस्स पुणो जीवस्स असंखदेसा हु।। 185 (Tr. - There are countless space-points in the medium of motion, medium of rest and in each individual soul.)
Pradesa is the unit of three-dimensional space which is emploved in the measurement of the dimensions of the substances in the universe. Taking this as the measure the number of prades as in the universe is said to be countless. The media of motion and restare co-extensive 186 with the universe
182. Sthananga-sutru 4.3.495. 183. For detinition of pradesu and its full explanation see pages 3-14 ante. 184. Tanartha-sara, 3.19. 185. Nirama saru. 35. 186. लोकाकाशे समस्तेऽपि धर्माधर्मास्तिकाययोः। तिलेषु तैलवत् प्राहुरवगाह महर्षयः ।।
(Tallvártha-sära, 3.23) (Dharma and adharma pe.made all parts of the universe as oil pervades the whole portion of mustard seed).