recognised as an essential element of education at the Jain Vishva Bharati. Because of this rare distinction, the Jain Vishva Bharati occupies an important place among the educational institutions all over the country. Its importance does not lie in big buildings, for many institutions have these. The greatness of the Jain Vishva Bharati lies in its distinct conception. In accordance with that conception, all the programmes conducted here in the fields of education, research and social service give primacy to preksha meditation. Here is to be found constant application of preksha. Thousands of people are benefited by the practice of preksha meditation and they are able to resolve their problems.
Q. What is the outline of the system of education adopted under the newly-evolved Science of Living?
Ans. The basis of the concept of the Science of Living is an all-round development of life. There are many halting places on this journey from normal behaviour to heightened consciousness. One achieves the final goal after passing through all those stages, and only then does an individual become acquainted with the secrets of the Science of Living. Here attention is not exclusively centred on intellectual development; rather it extends to the development of consciousness beyond all intellectual discipline. The fundamental element here is acquaintance with the physical organism. Later, specific psychic centres situated in the body are awakened. One can become acquainted with the bodily system through a study of physiology; but its technique is different. Physiology limits itself to the physical processes. One who studies the body from the physiological point of view, remains unaware of its spiritual significance. Unless a spiritual outlook is evolved, one cannot become
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