stood. The principles of preksha dhyana are intelligible only in the perspective of practice. In the Acharang, Sthanang, and Uttaradhyyana Sutras is to be found an original and powerful basis for the system of preksha. Through the discovery, application and examination of these grounds, it has been established that there has been a systematic, uninterrupted tradition of meditation in the Jain religion, but without the touchstone of practice, none of the theories of meditation could establish an independent identity.
Some Jain munis and scholars have already concluded that no technique of meditation is to be found in the Jain Agamas. With a view to changing this wrong conception, it was decided to reassess the available data. Yuvacharya Mahaprajna was specially directed to implement this decision. For years he conducted certain experiments on himself. He studied other techniques of meditation, appraised them, went into their theoretical aspects and practised them. Thus was laid the foundation for the practice of meditation or direct experiencing. Afterwards, a comparative study was made of the elements of meditation found in the Agamas, Acharang, Sthanang and Uttaradhyyana etc., and experiments were conducted. Those experiments were very successful. Success creates faith and faith in turn strengthens conception. It is on the basis of sturdy concepts that a new technique is formulated and developed. Such is the story of the evolution of the technique of preksha dhyana. On the whole we can say neither is this technique the product of our imagination, nor have we inherited it. The technique has been perfected on the basis of the data found in the Agamas and by co-relating the Agmic concepts with direct experiencing, and it is being progressively developed.
Q. Does this technique of preksha dhyana belong to the - Terapanth Dharam Sangh? Is it accepted in the Jain
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