expression or his conduct does indicate whether he is at peace or lost in confusion. In the modern age many scientific devices have been developed to assess a man's inner condition. Electrical machines take a graph of the vibrations in the brain and on the basis of such graphs, the state of peace or disquiet can be ascertained. The mental condition of an individual can also be known on the basis of cerebral vibrations during sleep or the dreaming state.
Tranquillity is found where the environment is clean and there is a preponderance of alpha rays. In other words, wherever the vibrations of the alpha rays are active, there can be no disquiet. Mental agitation or gloom are symbolised by beta-vibrations. Alpha vibrations and mental peace are found only in a clean and pure environment. When the environment is defiled, there are no alpha vibrations, nor mental peace. With the help of electrical devices it is possible to study an individual's state of mind or his environment and to determine whether he is at peace or in turmoil.
Q. How do we determine in what kind of environment — does a particular individual live? What is an individual's state of mind? Where are to be found the alpha vibrations and which man is happy or unhappy? What is the utility of knowing all this?
Ans. Many times a man is mistaken in understanding - his own defect. A man cannot himself see his own weakness, but others are able to grasp it immediately. A sick man goes to a doctor. Such a visit has two objectives-a correct diagnosis of the disease and its treatment. However, some patients, after getting their disease diagnosed by one doctor, seek another diagnosis from a second doctor, or even from a third. Their purpose in later visits is not to get any treatment-only to verify
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