for high achievement. He who surrenders in the face of dangers, can never make any progress. It may be the path of sadhana, or of business, of scientific inventions or cooking food, dangers abound everywhere. The process of awakening kundalini is also not free from danger, but without awakening this energy, the state of samadhi or even the condition of total concentration and certainty is not possible. The state of samadhi is attainable only through concentration of attention. Otherwise the indiscriminate traffic of thoughts cannot be stopped. With the awakening of tejas-shakti, life becomes rhythmical of itself. No thoughts intrude upon one's consciousness then. Then, one may have to force oneself out of samadhi, in case of need, but to go into the state of samadhi requires little effort.
In ancient texts are mentioned some other results of the awakening of tejas-shakti or kundalini. Normally, everyone's hair and nails grow. With the growth of tejasshakti, this outgrowth is withheld. Physical and mental diseases are cured. Such changes are not impossible, in view of the many chemical changes taking place in the body.
In the marvellous tales of the omniscients (Tirthankars) all these things are authenticated. The hair and nails of the omniscients cease growing. This is a fact, no exaggeration. The omniscients are also free from all kinds of pains and diseases. Mental diseases do not touch them at all. Even physical diseases are temporary visitors. They cause no defilement. So much electricity is active in their body, that the atoms of disease are simply incinerated.
Bio-electrical energy is of two kinds-cool and hot. Cool energy is used for favour, and hot for subdual. This energy which can act both as a boon and a curse, is important from many points of view. That is why, despite the risks involved, the sadhak continually makes efforts to develop and awaken this power.
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