Darshan Kendra (The Centre of Intuition) and Jyoti Kendra (The Centre of Enlightenment), may both be called the third eye, but the latter, because of its usefulness has a greater importance. Jyoti Kendra (The Centre of Enlightenment) is the centre which annihilates anger. By meditating on this centre, wrath dissolves very soon. From the point of view of brahmcharya, too, this centre has great utility. It has been recognized as the controlling or master-gland. It controls the secretions of all the lower glands. The purification of this centre resolves many of our physical and psychological problems.
Q. For the third eye you have suggested the names of - both Jyoti Kendra (The Centre of Enlightenment), and Darshan Kendra (The Centre of Intuition). You also gave some information about Jyoti Kendra. But where is Darshan Kendra? And what is its function?
Ans. The location of Darshan Kendra (The Centre of - Intuition) is the pituitary gland. It is positioned between the two eyebrows. Concentration on this centre turns preksha into inner preksha, and it turns wisdom into intuition. At this stage, a man's personality becomes wholly introvertive. With the evolution of introversion, outside factors cease to be obstructions. From the point of view of sadhana, this point on the forehead, may be said to be a great boon. If we make use of it with full consciousness, concentration and will-power, it can transform our lives beyond imagination.
Q. What is the basis of the nomenclature of these
Ans. The centres have been named on the basis of
- their functions and the results achieved through
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