to the technique of milking and preparing various milk products. Thereafter the servants of the king looked after the cow well.
This is only a tale. We need not go into how true it is. But the moral is clear. It is not given to every man to have an understanding of the available energy and to utilize it. The river of energy flows on, and a man does not know how to exploit it. Body-perception is the means of realising the power of the soul. He who succeeds in tapping and exploiting this inexhaustible source, makes great progress in the field of sadhana. Let the sadhak of preksha meditation collect energy and utilize it to achieve his goal. For this it is necessary for him to understand very well the process of energy-collection. One who does not know how to tap this energy, cannot come by it.
Q. Kindly tell us in simple and clear words what the
e process of body-perception is.
Ans. The first and foremost thing is the withdrawal of - the mind to withdraw it from the external phenomena and turn it inwards, and to ensure through regular practice that during the meditation-session, it does not once again turn outwards. After this preliminary starts body-perception proper. From the toe to the top of the head, or from the top of the head to the toe, attention should be focussed on every part of the body, and all the sensations, vibrations, all the changes and movement going on in the body should be observed. The inner sensations should be observed more closely. Observation here means experiencing, feeling out. The eyes should remain closed. Just as an injection is given and the medicine diffused deep inside the body, similarly, in feeling out the sensations within, in observing them dispassionately without attachment or aversion, the mind becomes introversive, and inner purification ensues.
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