Q. A sadhak's goal is to come to know himself, to
- achieve inner bliss. In order to find one's soul, one has to discipline oneself. How far can body-perception be helpful in the fulfilment of this objective? Is it possible to experience spiritual power through the body?
Ans. In the practice of sadhana, the body's role is great.
Just as it is impossible to reach the upper storey without ascending the staircase, similarly without first disciplining the body, self-realisation is not possible. It may be argued that if one can get a lift, why bother about the staircase? One may straightway jump into self-realisation. But then to how many people is the lift available? Even if the lift is available, electricity may fail and one may find oneself tucked up in a void. Similarly, the straight and instant path to self-realisation is rarely available. And even then, if some impediment offers itself, who is going to rescue one? Bahubali wanted self-realisation right away. His sadhana was also remarkable. Yet such a hurdle came his way that, though near the goal, he could not attain it. The sadhavis Brahmi and Sundri offered him an insight. Thereupon, Bahubali understood the cause of impediment. He corrected himself and the obstacle was removed. Every particle of his being was aglow with enlightenment. But then all cannot be Bahubali nor is the help of Brahmi and Sundri available to all, nor can all jump straight into self-realisation. Therefore, a sadhak should move forward along the prescribed route, supported by the prescribed technique.
One comes across many strange notions about the body. According to these, the body is unholy, a factor of defilement: it is devoid of any essential element and is, therefore, renounceable. But this is an exclusive prejudice. The fact is that the body is only a medium. It can be used both rightly and wrongly. Lord Mahavir compares the body to a boat:
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