by outer phenomena. And this condition lasts till his illusions are shattered. There is only one way to shatter his illusions, and that is the undertaking of an internal trip. Through it the mind turns inwards, becomes quiet and is freed from conflict. Just as a tired man relaxes himself on reaching home, similarly a mind caught in confusion and error, having become integrated, gains clarity. As long as it is involved in misunderstandings, even the feeling of pleasure and peace which it experiences at times, is illusory. Only the light emanating from an inner journey can remove the thick gloom of the valley of illusion.
Q. What precisely do you mean by an internal trip?
Ans. The inner journey is related to our spinal cord. The spinal cord is a part of our central nervous system. On each side of it are the two nerves known as ida (parasympathetic nervous system) and pingla (sympathetic nervous system). Ida is on the left, Pingla on the right. The central nervous system is known as sushumna. When the vital current passes out of sushumna, the central nervous system, and flows. through ida and pingla, extra version takes place, because our consciousness is then diffused. If the vital current flows along the sushumna, a path becomes available for consciousness to turn inwards. When consciousness turns inwards, and the sadhak is able to experience it, that moment becomes the moment of self-realization. What one feels at that moment is something to be experienced; it cannot be described. With a view to integrating one's consciousness before going into meditation, the process of inner voyage is unique and infallible.
Q. If a sadhak knows nothing about ida, pingla and sushumna, how can be go on this inner voyage?
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