individual; the change there occurs spontaneously. Through meditation, the whole structure of tension is shattered. One's vision grows clear. Wilfulness ends, and a pliable mind can spontaneously give up any wrong habit.
The doctrine of Non-absolutism, Anekantvad or Syadvad (the Jain doctrine of multisided perception) propounded by Lord Mahavir was the fruit of his meditation. How can a sadhak who does not practise meditation, apply the doctrine of Anekant in his life? Also it is only in moments of dhyana that a non-assertive doctrine like Anekant can manifest itself.
Now the question is: how can an individual bewidered by his problems, go into meditation? It does present some difficulty. But no difficulty can survive the clarity of vision and high will-power. When a man is so abundantly clear that he can change every habit through meditation, he becomes determined to practise it. With will-power, a man can mould his mind to proceed in any direction whatsoever.
Q. Can an individual achieve self-transformation by - sheer will-power?
Ans. Transformation through meditation is possible
- only when one has deep faith in the practice of meditation. Without such faith, one would not be able to go into meditation. Some people's faith is spontaneous; in others it has to be created. If faith is seasoned with will-power and continuity of practice is maintained, the way to progress is opened wide. Practice is an element which keeps the chain of sadhana intact. If this chain is broken, success becomes doubtful. The combination of faith, determination and practice leads to the develop
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