because they have to support their families, etc., and have in many ways to live a different lise. On account of all these reasons the lay people could not be on the highest plane. In ancient times when in all countries there was a system of monkhood, there were many spiritual persons ; because the institutions of the country were such that people could live that kind of life, but when civilization has advanced and numerous wants are created, the spirituality is lost, because it requires all the time of the people to supply their material needs. There is greater difficulty in the way not only of ordinary people but also of spiritually inclined people. There are so many difficulties in their way that they cannot get rid of them without causing trouble to some one. It is a result of the past Karma of some people. It should be borne in mind that no occult power of the soul can be brought forth, unless the force which clogs or darkens or obscures that force is gotten rid of. The idea that we were born only a short time ago as new beings and therefore it is possible to evolve these powers all at once, is a mistake. Life is eternal, as I have said. The soul is eternal ; it lives many lives, generates many forces, all sorts of forces, good, bad and indifferent, and some of them act as enemies to the nature of the soul and we must get rid of these. Then only, the soul and the system itself are free to exercise, to show and to experience the higher powers of the soul itself. The body must become a fit vehicle to receive these. The powersthemselves will act in an evil way if this is not the case.
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