practitioner, develops lucidity, and he says many things. which are remarkable, which he would not say in his ordinary state; but when he comes out of the hypnoic condition, ask him what he has been saying or doing, and he does not know anything about it. If a patient can at any time put himself in such a condition that he himself can see these things, being conscious of what he sees, then he has indeed advanced. If the laws of hypnotism are true on their own plane then the laws of the spiritual nature must also be true on their own plane. A suggestion is acted upon by the subject, and he, as it were, surrenders his own individuality completely, and makes his mentality subservient to the will of the operator, and this becomes a part of the mental nature of the subject. If this same thing. can be accomplished by the patient himself, then he receives a suggestion from himself; his own individuality is strong and positive, and he is not weakened. He himself can then evolve many powers. This can be assisted by certain austerities. Persons who fast on certain occasions merely show force of a strong will power, because when a person does this, his physical nature is curbed by his mental and moral nature. If a person is not able to fast, he may limit himself and abstain from certain articles; he may think he will not eat any kind of fatty substance. He is then gaining in will power. Certain persons think that their mentality is very strong, and therefore they will not obey these rules. This very fact shows that their mentality is not strong. First of all the mentality acts,
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