the knees, the second between the knees and the navel, the third between the navel and the heart, the fourth between the heart and the throat, and the fifth from the throat upward, and as these ethers are moreover present in the same degree in all parts of the body, when a person understands the physical rules and observes them, and the body itself has become fit to act as a vehicle for the lightening forces, then a person can control and bring out these forces and many phenomena will come out; for instance, levitation is one of these results. There is a certain influence in the body whose character is to go rather up than down, and the most common sign of this is to be found in belching.. When this ether becomes predominant through having observed the rules of breathing, if we can control it,. then the polarity of the body will be changed with regard to the earth and it will have a tendency to rise in the air. If we can understand the rules of the luminiferous ether and can control in such a way that we can. stop these vibrations, then those vibrations cannot reach any person who is standing before us, and as the sensation of sight depends on the vibrations of the luminiferous ether, the body can be made to disappear and become invisible to the person standing before us. The actual disappearance of the object could be explained only from the fact that, there are persons who can change the substance of a body into something of a very ethereal nature, and can take this body through any gross substance that may be in the way; and in this way anything may be made to disappear. There are many persons in
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