Occult Powers. IN order to understand the basis of all the different 1 phenomena of nature, and therefore also the occult powers, we must first of all try to collect together certain basic principles, so as to explain these phenomena. In the first place all these different phenomena are the results of soul and matter, that is, of these powers taken together. Matter taken by itself cannot produce any power, and the soul would exercise only its own power. Occult powers are understood by this expression through nature on each of the three planes, of the soul's power over matter. I will explain that there are in occult astrology not only mental and emotional but also spiritual powers. The lowest powers are expressed on the physical plane. When the soul lives in the body and has not organised the powers which are latent, it gathers to itself all the particles of the gross body. Later on it begins to express other powers, as magnetism, sending out the spiritual forces of the body, and assume a form which would keep together the gross particles of the body. Later on, this magnetism may assume different shapes, creating desires, emotions and intelligence, and then may proceed further until it is developed into a power of speech and respiration, and still further in thinking, After mentality we come to Karma, from which is evolved our speech and acts and words. All proceed
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